Battle Ships CTF v1.1

Battle Ships CTF

Arr! Protect yer flags at all cost! Flags be on top of the masts.



  • Blue
  • Red
  • Map

      "map": {
        "name": "Battle Ships CTF",
        "version": "1.1",
        "description": "Arr! Protect yer flags at all cost! Flags be on top of the masts.",
        "authors": [
      "world": {
        "spawn": [
            "point": {
              "xyz": "-2, 48, 0"
        "world_height": 100,
        "time_lock": "noon"
      "games": {
        "capture": {
          "block_captures": [
              "owner": "red",
              "challenger": "blue",
              "region": "dark_green_wool",
              "wool": "dark_green"
              "owner": "blue",
              "challenger": "red",
              "region": "green_wool",
              "wool": "green"
      "regions": {
        "blue_base": {
          "events": {
            "enter": {
              "apply": [
              "message": "region.enter.spawn",
              "allow": false
            "build": {
              "apply": [
              "message": "",
              "allow": false
            "destroy": {
              "apply": [
              "message": "region.destroy.spawn",
              "allow": false
            "tnt": {
              "block_damage": false
          "zones": [
              "cuboid": {
                "min": {
                  "xyz": "-34, 33, -30"
                "max": {
                  "xyz": "-45, 38, -40"
        "red_base": {
          "events": {
            "enter": {
              "apply": [
              "message": "region.enter.spawn",
              "allow": false
            "build": {
              "apply": [
              "message": "",
              "allow": false
            "destroy": {
              "apply": [
              "message": "region.destroy.spawn",
              "allow": false
            "tnt": {
              "block_damage": false
          "zones": [
              "cuboid": {
                "min": {
                  "xyz": "41, 33, -30"
                "max": {
                  "xyz": "30, 38, -40"
        "global": {
          "events": {
            "chest": {
              "items": [
                  "item": "diamond"
                  "item": "iron_ingot"
                  "item": "gold_ingot"
                  "amount": 64,
                  "item": "arrow"
                  "amount": 32,
                  "item": "cooked_chicken"
                  "amount": 64,
                  "item": "tnt"
                  "amount": 64,
                  "item": "tnt"
                  "amount": 64,
                  "item": "tnt"
              "keep_filled": true,
              "scatter": true,
              "amount": 8
          "zones": [
              "global": {}
        "void": {
          "events": {
            "build": {
              "message": "",
              "allow": false
          "zones": [
              "void": {}
        "dark_green_wool_room": {
          "events": {
            "chest": {
              "items": [
                  "item": "wool",
                  "damage": 13
              "fill": true,
              "keep_filled": true
            "enter": {
              "apply": [
              "message": "",
              "allow": false
            "build": {
              "allow": false
            "destroy": {
              "allow": false
          "zones": [
              "cube": {
                "center": {
                  "xyz": "36, 68, -2"
                "radius": 6,
                "height": 7
        "green_wool_room": {
          "events": {
            "chest": {
              "items": [
                  "item": "wool",
                  "damage": 5
              "fill": true,
              "keep_filled": true
            "enter": {
              "apply": [
              "message": "",
              "allow": false
            "build": {
              "allow": false
            "destroy": {
              "allow": false
          "zones": [
              "cube": {
                "center": {
                  "xyz": "-39, 68, -2"
                "radius": 6,
                "height": 7
        "green_wool": {
          "zones": [
              "point": {
                "xyz": "-1, 27, 0"
        "dark_green_wool": {
          "zones": [
              "point": {
                "xyz": "-1, 27, 0"
      "kits": {
        "all": {
          "armor": {
            "helmet": {
              "item": "leather_helmet"
            "chestplate": {
              "item": "leather_chestplate"
            "leggings": {
              "item": "leather_leggings"
            "boots": {
              "item": "leather_boots"
          "items": [
              "slot": 0,
              "item": "iron_sword"
              "slot": 1,
              "item": "iron_axe"
              "slot": 2,
              "item": "bow"
              "slot": 3,
              "item": "boat"
              "slot": 4,
              "amount": 16,
              "item": "cooked_chicken"
              "slot": 5,
              "amount": 64,
              "item": "wood"
              "slot": 6,
              "amount": 64,
              "item": "tnt"
              "slot": 7,
              "amount": 64,
              "item": "tnt"
              "slot": 8,
              "item": "flint_and_steel"
              "slot": 27,
              "amount": 64,
              "item": "arrow"
      "teams": {
        "blue": {
          "name": "Blue",
          "color": "blue",
          "kit": "all",
          "size": 20,
          "spawns": [
              "point": {
                "xyz": "-39, 33, -28"
        "red": {
          "name": "Red",
          "color": "red",
          "kit": "all",
          "size": 20,
          "spawns": [
              "point": {
                "xyz": "35, 33, -28"