Graviton v1.3

The goal for each team is to get as many kills as possible before the time runs out.
{ "map": { "name": "Graviton", "version": "1.3", "description": "The goal for each team is to get as many kills as possible before the time runs out.", "authors": [ "9ab8f217-3208-47aa-a782-c978ca61bccd", "e5c643a8-05ea-4572-89fa-07ec1423caf7" ] }, "world": { "spawn": [ { "point": { "xyz": "187, 39, 7" } } ] }, "games": { "deathmatch": { "max_score": 200, "point_boxes": [ { "owner": "blue", "challenger": "red", "region": "blue_point_box", "point": 5 }, { "owner": "red", "challenger": "blue", "region": "red_point_box", "point": 5 } ] } }, "regions": { "global": { "events": { "destroy": { "allow": false } }, "zones": [ { "global": {} } ] }, "red_spawn": { "events": { "enter": { "apply": [ "blue" ], "message": "region.enter.spawn", "allow": false } }, "zones": [ { "cube": { "center": { "xyz": "228, 15, 14" }, "radius": 5, "height": 10 } } ] }, "blue_spawn": { "events": { "enter": { "apply": [ "red" ], "message": "region.enter.point", "allow": false } }, "zones": [ { "cube": { "center": { "xyz": "147, 15, 0" }, "radius": 5, "height": 10 } } ] }, "blue_point_box": { "events": { "enter": { "apply": [ "blue" ], "message": "region.enter.point", "allow": false } }, "zones": [ { "cube": { "center": { "xyz": "140, 18, 24" }, "radius": 1, "height": 1 } }, { "cube": { "center": { "xyz": "144, 18, 28" }, "radius": 1, "height": 1 } } ] }, "red_point_box": { "events": { "enter": { "apply": [ "red" ], "message": "region.enter.point", "allow": false } }, "zones": [ { "cube": { "center": { "xyz": "230, 18, -14" }, "radius": 1, "height": 1 } }, { "cube": { "center": { "xyz": "234, 18, -10" }, "radius": 1, "height": 1 } } ] } }, "kits": { "all": { "armor": { "helmet": { "item": "leather_helmet" }, "chestplate": { "item": "chainmail_chestplate", "nbt": { "enchantments": [ { "name": "protection_environmental", "level": 2 } ] } }, "leggings": { "item": "chainmail_leggings" }, "boots": { "item": "chainmail_boots", "nbt": { "enchantments": [ { "name": "protection_fall", "level": 2 } ] } } }, "items": [ { "slot": 0, "item": "stone_sword", "nbt": { "display": { "name": "&bGravity Blade" } } }, { "slot": 1, "damage": 224, "item": "iron_sword", "nbt": { "display": { "name": "&3Steel Saber" }, "enchantments": [ { "name": "damage_all", "level": 5 } ] } }, { "slot": 2, "damage": 358, "item": "bow", "nbt": { "display": { "name": "&aPlasm Gun" }, "enchantments": [ { "name": "arrow_infinite", "level": 1 }, { "name": "arrow_knockback", "level": 5 } ] } }, { "slot": 3, "damage": 358, "item": "bow", "nbt": { "display": { "name": "&6Gauss Rifel" }, "enchantments": [ { "name": "arrow_infinite", "level": 1 }, { "name": "arrow_damage", "level": 5 } ] } }, { "slot": 9, "item": "arrow" } ], "effects": [ { "name": "night_vision", "duration": -1, "ambient": true }, { "name": "saturation", "duration": -1, "ambient": true } ] } }, "teams": { "red": { "name": "Red", "color": "red", "kit": "all", "size": 25, "spawns": [ { "cuboid": { "min": { "xyz": "238, 16, 6" }, "max": { "xyz": "254, 16, 22" } } } ] }, "blue": { "name": "Blue", "color": "blue", "kit": "all", "size": 25, "spawns": [ { "cuboid": { "min": { "xyz": "120, 16, -7" }, "max": { "xyz": "136, 16, 0" } } } ] } } }