Thanatos v1.4

Each team is to destroy the enemy monument, situated on the sides of the enemy base.
{ "map": { "name": "Thanatos", "version": "1.4", "description": "Each team is to destroy the enemy monument, situated on the sides of the enemy base.", "authors": [ "c9c2b7fe-e2c1-4266-9556-aafccc0d1f13" ] }, "world": { "spawn": [ { "point": { "xyz": "0, 64, 0" } } ], "time_lock": "noon", "world_height": 80 }, "games": { "destroy": { "targets": [ { "owner": "yellow", "challenger": "red", "name": "Left Monument", "region": "red_left_monument" }, { "owner": "yellow", "challenger": "red", "name": "Right Monument", "region": "red_right_monument" }, { "owner": "red", "challenger": "yellow", "name": "Left Monument", "region": "yellow_left_monument" }, { "owner": "red", "challenger": "yellow", "name": "Right Monument", "region": "yellow_right_monument" } ] } }, "regions": { "global": { "events": { "chest": { "items": [ { "item": "arrow", "amount": 64 }, { "item": "arrow", "amount": 64 }, { "item": "bow", "nbt": { "enchantments": [ { "name": "arrow_damage", "level": 1 }, { "name": "arrow_knockback", "level": 1 } ] } }, { "item": "glass", "amount": 64 }, { "item": "wood", "amount": 64 }, { "item": "glass", "amount": 64 }, { "item": "bow", "nbt": { "enchantments": [ { "name": "arrow_damage", "level": 1 }, { "name": "arrow_knockback", "level": 1 } ] } }, { "item": "arrow", "amount": 64 }, { "item": "arrow", "amount": 64 } ], "fill": true, "keep_filled": true }, "kill_player": { "drop_items": [ { "item": "gold_nugget", "amount": 4 }, { "item": "gold_ingot" } ] }, "item_drops": { "items": [ "obsidian", "redstone_block", "daylight_detector", "redstone_lamp_off", "redstone_torch_off", "pumkpin_seeds", "seeds", "sapling", "yellow_flower", "red_rose", "pumpkin_pie", "flint" ], "allow": false }, "destroy": { "blocks": [ "trapped_chest" ], "allow": false } }, "zones": [ { "global": {} } ] }, "yellow_spawn": { "events": { "entity_damage": { "damage_causes": [ "entity_attack" ], "allow": false }, "enter": { "apply": [ "red" ], "message": "region.enter.spawn", "allow": false }, "build": { "message": "", "allow": false }, "destroy": { "message": "region.destroy.spawn", "allow": false } }, "zones": [ { "cylinder": { "center": { "xyz": "71, 50, -4" }, "radius": 5, "height": 13 } }, { "cylinder": { "center": { "xyz": "71, 50, 6" }, "radius": 5, "height": 13 } }, { "cube": { "center": { "xyz": "71, 50, 1" }, "radius": 5, "height": 13 } } ] }, "red_spawn": { "events": { "entity_damage": { "damage_causes": [ "entity_attack" ], "allow": false }, "enter": { "apply": [ "yellow" ], "message": "region.enter.spawn", "allow": false }, "build": { "message": "", "allow": false }, "destroy": { "message": "region.destroy.spawn", "allow": false } }, "zones": [ { "cylinder": { "center": { "xyz": "-71, 50, 0" }, "radius": 5, "height": 13 } }, { "cylinder": { "center": { "xyz": "-71, 50, 10" }, "radius": 5, "height": 13 } }, { "cube": { "center": { "xyz": "-71, 50, 5" }, "radius": 5, "height": 13 } } ] }, "red_left_monument": { "events": { "build": { "allow": false } }, "zones": [ { "point": { "xyz": "65, 59, 40" } }, { "point": { "xyz": "65, 60, 40" } } ] }, "red_right_monument": { "events": { "build": { "allow": false } }, "zones": [ { "point": { "xyz": "65, 59, -37" } }, { "point": { "xyz": "65, 60, -37" } } ] }, "yellow_left_monument": { "events": { "build": { "allow": false } }, "zones": [ { "point": { "xyz": "-64, 59, -33" } }, { "point": { "xyz": "-64, 60, -33" } } ] }, "yellow_right_monument": { "events": { "build": { "allow": false } }, "zones": [ { "point": { "xyz": "-64, 59, 44" } }, { "point": { "xyz": "-64, 60, 44" } } ] } }, "kits": { "spawn": { "armor": { "helmet": { "item": "leather_helmet" }, "chestplate": { "item": "chainmail_chestplate" }, "leggings": { "item": "leather_leggings" }, "boots": { "item": "leather_boots" } }, "items": [ { "slot": 0, "item": "diamond_axe", "nbt": { "enchantments": [ { "name": "damage_all", "level": 1 } ] } }, { "slot": 1, "item": "iron_pickaxe" }, { "slot": 2, "item": "bow" }, { "slot": 4, "item": "glass", "amount": 20 }, { "slot": 5, "item": "wood", "amount": 20 }, { "slot": 6, "item": "bucket" }, { "slot": 8, "item": "pumpkin_pie", "amount": 16 }, { "slot": 29, "item": "arrow", "amount": 16 } ] } }, "teams": { "red": { "name": "Red", "color": "red", "kit": "spawn", "size": 25, "spawns": [ { "point": { "xyz": "-70, 58, 5", "yaw": -90, "pitch": 0 } } ] }, "yellow": { "name": "Yellow", "color": "yellow", "kit": "spawn", "size": 25, "spawns": [ { "point": { "xyz": "71, 58, 1", "yaw": 90, "pitch": 0 } } ] } } }