Voice of the Jungle v1.0

SkyBlock Warriors, to win be the last player left.
{ "map": { "name": "Voice of the Jungle", "version": "1.0", "description": "SkyBlock Warriors, to win be the last player left.", "authors": [ "f3533f1c-4212-4a3a-a579-9f5111536504" ] }, "world": { "spawn": [ { "point": { "xyz": "2, 113, 1" } } ], "time_lock": "day", "world_height": 140 }, "games": { "skywars": {} }, "regions": { "global": { "events": { "tnt": { "throw_blocks": true }, "creature_spawns": { "creatures": [ "snowman" ], "allow": true }, "chest": { "kits": [ { "name": "skywars_armor", "amount": 2 }, { "name": "skywars_wepons", "amount": 2 }, { "name": "skywars_blocks", "amount": 4 }, { "name": "skywars_food", "amount": 1 }, { "name": "skywars_items", "amount": 6, "repeat": true } ] } }, "zones": [ { "global": {} } ] } }, "teams": { "players": { "name": "Players", "color": "light_purple", "spawns": [ { "point": { "xyz": "52, 109, 4", "yaw": 271, "pitch": 18 } }, { "point": { "xyz": "-2, 109, 54", "yaw": 359, "pitch": 22 } }, { "point": { "xyz": "3, 109, -50", "yaw": 177, "pitch": 20 } }, { "point": { "xyz": "-35, 109, 32", "yaw": 268, "pitch": 17 } }, { "point": { "xyz": "-52, 109, 0", "yaw": 94, "pitch": 22 } }, { "point": { "xyz": "-30, 109, -34", "yaw": 358, "pitch": 21 } }, { "point": { "xyz": "36, 109, -29", "yaw": 89, "pitch": 21 } }, { "point": { "xyz": "31, 109, 37", "yaw": 179, "pitch": 21 } } ] } } }